The voting dilemma

As the General Election approaches, I find that, in addition to trying to decide for whom I should vote, I am wondering about the priorities which should affect my thinking. Should my priority be how my personal and family life will be affected by the next Government, or should the effects on my business be uppermost in my mind. There could well be a conflict of interest there.

For example, the Labour Party has recently been harangued in the, mainly, Tory press as being “anti-business.” How true is that in the overall scheme of things. If it’s true is it a valid blanket statement? Or does it only refer to those larger businesses which have a direct impact on the UK economy, as opposed to the micro-business, which, frankly, only causes a ripple on the local pond.

However, if I vote Tory, because of the previous paragraph, could I and my family be worse off (not just financially) as a result? And will I be promoting the continuation of the nuclear deterrent? Do we need one? Should we be beefing up our defences?

Which future Prime Minister will make the best international statesman (or woman)? Or is the UK heading to be an irrelevance on the international stage? Should we continue to be the US’s poodle or align ourselves more closely with the iron Chancellor of Europe?

These are real issues for the serious voter, and, at the moment, I simply can’t make up my mind.