Customer service – how a few pence and a little thought could work wonders.

Here are just two examples of how a couple of businesses brought unwelcome reviews.

A cafe in Wolverhampton served just one sealed butter portion with a toasted tea cake, nowhere near enough to cover the surface, let alone provide some taste. When the customer politely asked for another butter, she was brusquely told, “Yes, but we’ll have to charge you for it.”

A group of four ordered tea at an upmarket hotel in Dorset. When it arrived they enquired whether biscuits were available. Exactly four biscuits were produced – for £2!

The cost of providing the biscuits and butter “free” would have only cost pence, but more importantly would have avoided bad reviews and the customers would have departed satisfied, rather than disgruntled, something they would have undoubtedly passed on to others.