Where are the proofreaders?

Is there a national shortage of proofreaders, or are companies cutting back and hoping for the best?
The day after the Budget the Daily Mail published a front page picture of Margaret Thatcher, with the Chancellor’s face superimposed. The whole image was back to front.
A few days later, we received a catalogue from Viyella. On the cover was a picture of a man and woman. The same photograph appeared inside the publication, but was reversed.
The misuse of the apostrophe is ever increasing.
How many times do we see the wrong use of ‘compliment’ or ‘complement’?
Now, people may say these things are unimportant, but what it raises in my mind is this. Will they adopt the same careless attitude in completing customers’ orders? What is their attitude to staff development? Are they as careless with managing the finances?
A company’s reputation could just hang on a misplaced comma or spelling error.

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